This guilt-free raw treat is packed with flavour and nutrition. A great healthy dessert for your family, friends and guests.
Made with nutrient-dense whole foods, this raw cheesecake is free from gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, preservatives and refined sugar.

Nourish 101:

  • Free from gluten, dairy, preservatives and refined sugar.
  • Nutrient dense ingredients such as nuts and coconut oil encourage an efficient metabolism and provide a slow release source of consistent energy.
  • Cashews provide a satiating source of healthy fat that helps to keep you feeling satisfied and curb sweet cravings. They have a natural sweetness to them with allows you to adjust the amount of sweetener you use in this recipe depending on your liking.
  • Coconut oilis rich in lauric acid which helps boost functions of the immune system. It is also rich in anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal properties and anti-microbial properties that aid in fighting bacteria, candida and parasites.
  • Healthy sources of quality fat such as coconut oil and nuts help you absorb the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.
  • Blueberries are a low-sugar fruit loaded with anti-oxidants and provide your body with a good dose of vitamin C.

Dietary Notes:

This recipe is gluten free, dairy free, egg free and soy free.
The recipe is vegan friendly and refined sugar free.

Raw Blueberry and Vanilla Cheesecake

This guilt-free raw treat is packed with flavour and nutrition. A great healthy dessert for your family, friends and guests.
Made with nutrient-dense whole foods, this raw cheesecake is free from gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, preservatives and refined sugar.
Keyword Dairy Free, Egg Free, Gluten Free, Grain Free, Nut Free, Preservative Free, Refined Sugar Free, Soy Free, Vegan
Prep Time 30 minutes
soak (optional) 8 hours
Servings 8



  • 1 cup almonds
  • 3/4 cup organic shredded coconut
  • 8 medjool dates, pitted & chopped
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil, melted


Optional toppings:

  • Fresh blueberries
  • Thickened coconut cream
  • Coconut shavings


  • Make base - in a high powered blender or food processor pulse almonds, coconut, dates and coconut oil to form a fine crumble. 
  • Spoon base into a lined cake tin, spread evenly and use the back of a spoon to press down firmly. Set aside in freezer whilst you make the filling. 
  • To make the filling - drain and rinse soaked cashews. 
  • In a high powered blender or food processor blend cashews, coconut oil, lemon juice, rice malt syrup and vanilla powder until smooth and creamy. 
  • Split your filling into two portions. 
  • Pour one layer on top of your base. 
  • Return the other portion to the blender and blend with blueberries until smooth. 
  • Carefully pour the blueberry layer on top of vanilla layer. (You can also allow your vanilla layer to set for 1 hour first before adding the blueberry layer). 
  • Freeze for 2 hours or until firm. Allow to stand for 25 minutes before serving to slightly soften. Decorate with optional toppings. 


Recipe Tips:
  • *Soaking the cashews overnight will ensure your cheesecake filling as a creamy texture. Be sure to rinse your soaked nuts before blending.
  • If your dates are dry soak them for several hours for a smooth base.
  • Using more berries will give your cheesecake layers more colour and more flavour. If you are not using additional sweetener in your filling perhaps try adding extra berries.
Personalise this recipe:
  • *To make your filling sweetener free, swap out rice malt syrup for more fresh berries or a layer of blueberry and a layer of strawberry.
To make this recipe Paleo/ grain free:
  • *Swap out rice malt syrup for honey.


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